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Главная » 2008 » Март » 15 » Интервью с Ричи
Интервью с Ричи
6:03 PM
Оффициальное интервью с Ричи от фанклуба на английском языке--> Ричи пишет о своём стиле волос, как он проводил время на рождественских каникулах,не исключает мысль сделать татуировку, и о своей вере в Бога --->

Fanclubinterview mit Richie

1. Long hair, short hair - you like to experiment with your style. What was the reason for cuting your hair again?
I love experimenting with my hair! I just cant get enough… I decided to cut my long hair because it was simpley time for a change, I was done with it, and with the heat and all that hair, it just wasn’t a good mix for me.


2. How do you think about boys, who are copying your style?
I take it as a complement when people copy a style from me. That means they like what your doing enough to do it themselves.


3. Have you ever think about changing your original haircolor?
Well im naturally a dirty blonde, when I was younger my hair was so blonde it was white!! I thought about changing my hair color to like brown or black, but im pretty happy with my color now.


4. Also other things, expect new hairstyles, can change a typ of a human - e.g.tattoos. Could you imagine to attend Izzy to the tattoo studio to get an own one?
Sure, why not?? But im just not sure im ready for a tattoo. Mabey one day…


5. If yes, what kind of motif would it be?
Maybe a cross or ‘mom’… I don’t really know.


6. What do you think would be your parents' reaction?
NOT GOOD…..hehehe


7. You've spent the time around Christmas and New Year's Eve at home in America. What did you experience in your leisure time there?
I just relaxed the whole time. I saw all my friends and family. It was realllly great.


8. Has it ever happened, that german fans stood in front of your door in Wheaton?
Oh yes, many times. People from everywhere around the world have been to my house in wheaton.its pretty crazy, but really a blessing.


9. What are you thinking about when you're feeling bad and maybe get homesick?
I pray as much as I can. God never has left me alone for one min. in my life.


10. What would you advise someone, who fastly get homesick?
Just pray, God will never leave you alone.
Many bleesings,
Love you all,

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